Are You Making These Monstrous Content Mistakes?

For Halloween, our thoughts have turned to the insidious content strategy blindspots that hide the monsters killing your results. So in the spirit of the season, we thought we’d take a look at some common bugaboos that can creep into any company’s content operations. But never fear — we’re here with a bag of treats and just […]

Are Marketers At War With Consumers?

Do you view marketing as an act of brute force against the consumer?  The odds are that your knee-jerk response is,“no.” But the language you use when you talk about marketing may indicate otherwise. Is your marketing-speak peppered with words like target, campaign, preempt, and penetrate? We choose the language we use for specific, if sometimes […]

Can Mass Media Moguls Become Micromavens?

Mass Media Micromavens

A recent Nieman Journalism Lab post by industry analyst and Newsonomics author Ken Doctor inspired GigaOM contributor Matthew Ingram to posit that the future of mass media depends on the ability of traditional media companies to embrace the power of “small things.” Actually, it’s Doctor that makes that assertion, with Ingram expanding on Doctor’s news-centric take to […]